Crawford’s LIFE

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Crawford’s Complete LIFE (Resume).


The following chronological years encompass well over 50 World and Australian firsts in the arts inclusively by the artist.
His voice histories are recorded in the National sound and film archives.


Pre 1950.

● Born at Grenfell, N.S.W.

● Father decorated, Gallipoli, Anzac.

● 6th generation Australian. 

● Farm boy, nearest town Greenthorp.

● Enters show business at 4.

● Fathers ambition for him to become a boxer.
● Near deafens father

● Gang holdup.

● Feature choir vocalist at 9.

● Five schools. (Two as a boarder,finally Xavier College)

● Dynamite king

● Only child.

● At 12 his Mother dies.

● Joins A.T.C.

● Factory worker 

● Footballer 

● Door to door photo salesman

● Held up at gunpoint.

● Copy writer 

● Photographer at the dogs

● Wool store man 

● Counter at dry cleaners.

● Recordings, sales and representative.

● Antique dealer

● Carpet salesman 

● Theatrical extra 

● A.B.C. start performing his compositions. 

● Lessons voice and instruments.



● Stand up comedian 

● Budding musician and vocalist

● Sings with first bands. 

● Theatre debut as vocalist. 

● Directs record session for Reg Lindsay in Sydney. Huge hit 

● Became feature vocalist with the Alan Rhodes Quintette at the legendary Jump Club. 

● Musicians dub him 'The King".Nickname sticks.

● Writes ''Hep Cats Night/' 

● Under the Club.



● Cuts first recordings as a vocalist with the Alan Rhodes band.

● His "Black and Blue" reaches hit parades. Almost impossible for local artists then.

● His "Blue moon" outsells overseas artists versions. 

● "Candy Store Blues" also released. 

● First cover magazine photo. 

● Appears at first Jazz concert. 

● Wears first zoot suit in Australia. 

● Creates biggest dance in Australia at Leggets. 11 bands *The seance.

● Promoted, directed and compered huge jazz and swing concerts, titled "Make Way for the Bands,"

● Voted Australia's most popular Jazz vocalist. The purple pill.


● Knife attack.



● Wrote, produced and directed the enormous four hour "History of Jazz". at Wirths Olympia as a full production with musicians running into three figures.

● Voted among most popular vocalists nationally. Band banned, too loud.


● Formed the" King Crawford Quintette for concert work. "Directed and compered the Musicians Union's concert series "Rhythm Festivals". "Became Southern manager for Philip's record division. 
● Toni Lamond puts down acetate of his composition "Loverman".
● Makes a hit of film "One Summer of Happiness " and recording "Swedish Rhapsody".


● Elected by popular vote Vice President of the Musicians Union.* Did publicity and P. R. for such names as Gene Krupa, Jean Sablon, Melvin Douglas, "The Follies Bergere", "Time out for Ginger". etc.* 
● Formed Planet Record Corporation (Originally Planet Records.) to become Australia's biggest independent all Australian record company's. Recording only Australians.
● Wrong only 5% of the time.
● Records in the worlds smallest studio. 
● Designed the worlds first four colour process record album colour.
● Produces, conceives, directs the first multi title track album "Party Songs". 'Records a creak. .Cover backs important.


● Directed and compered the fully imported big band "The Ted Heath show". .Laminate'Directed the first original cast album in Australia "For Amusement only". Radio shows as a music authority on 3XY, 3DB, 3AK and 3UZ. 
● Took "Vie Zeigfeld Shoiv" on tour.
● First in the world to produce multi title track L. P's.
● Multi national labels declare war on Planet. 1956. -Wrote and directed Australia's first children's story album 'The Story of Santa Clause".-M.D. co inventor with Marcus Herman of the worlds 1st triple play E.P. 
● Produces the 1st. Litho Colour process album cover. 
●Writes words and music for "Moomba Samba," for paper records. 
● Director of historically important album "The Massed Bands of the Olympic Games". - Broke multi National hold on the Australian music industry.
● Practical Joker. -Bank Manager chaos.-Tax.


● Australia's first W.M. album by an Australian. 
● Re-recorded by other companies. 
● Neville Shute is keen for his composition "2,000 AD. , to be used in film "On the Beach". Scotched by personality problem with director. - Wrote and directed the worlds first visual sound recording "The Story of Mr. Show business". ("Jolson Story".) Praised by Larry Parks and Jolson's wife. Album of the year. 
● Wrote and directed "Up Among the Stars". - First record company to showcase their stars , airlifting whole concerts. 
● Married Heather Spaulding. 
● Directed and produced the first 12 inch Rock n' Roll album in Australia and first multi title rock album in the world. Rock n' Roll party". - Cover boy - Around the time also directs j reeled and produced the first modern same sounds of Oz, Country album "The Trailblazers stage show".


● Produced the first "Royal Trooping of the Colon/' for an Album outside of England. 'Congratulated by Royal Family.
● Did radio shows as recording authority on 3.U.Z., 3.X.Y. and 3.D.B. -Launches additional labels under the Planet banner -Baton, Jazz incorporated, Choir, Star, Galaxy, and Homestead.

● First in Australia to feature the artists photos on the labels. The Prime Minister of Australia writes to congratulate him for his help to promote Australian talent.


● Prime minister again writes congratulations.
● The Southern Command army band records his composition "This is my Land". Composition used in Europe as the Australian National Anthem.
● Directs 30 Rock n'pop shows broadcast live on 3.U.Z. over the next two years from the Melbourne town hall and all featuring Planet artists.
● Wrote and used 16 voices on his first comedy record "Scrooges Screwy Christmas".
● Composition "Moomba Samba" recorded on paper records.
● Some people should never drive!

● First topless cover.


● "On deadline wrote 23 marches in 24 hours. All recorded on Australia's first all music Album by an Australian composer, creating a world record and all recorded by the Southern Command band. -All later re-recorded by other artists and bands. (72 versions in all).
● Directed and produced the record of the year "Battle Hymn of the Republic". Congratulated by the President of the United States.

● Recording of his "Royal Baby Waltz" composition and record well received by the Royal family. First such tribute ever made. Out on the market on the same day as birth.
● Wrote words and book to his first musical with music by Lee Gallagher and himself called "Paris by Night". Season capacity. -Rock song W&M "The Wreckers" released to controversy. 'First child Ashley born.


● Commissioned to write the first musical comedies for Australian Television .( Story, words, music and lyrics.) "Why is a Woman". and "Story in 6 flats". which was also Australia's first jazz musical 'Numerous compositions released on L.P.s and E.P.s. -His single W&M "King Street Bridge" becomes a hit.
● Commissioned to write the title song and one other for Georgia Lee's album "Blues Down Under" The first 12 inch album by an indigenous Australian. Titles "Down Under blues" and "Yarra River Blues". 
● Mc Ginty the Footballer released.


-Directed and produced the worlds first stereo L. P. of a live original cast".Sentimental Bloke". at the Comedy theatre. »Six Jazz compositions released on singles by various bands Most ever released at one time by an Australian composer.
● "Football party" released with 11 songs.
● Records Ruth Wallis. Records banned before release. Designs possibly the first Aboriginal Flag "The Corroboree".


● Wrote, acted and recorded "How to Speak Australian" with own cast. Sells 40,000 copies, the biggest selling comedy L.P. to that date.
● Recorded compositions "Wonder Welcome to the West" and "Rollin, old River".
● First Football series.


● He forms a new label "Talent City". -Wrote and recorded "The Australian" with own cast. First L. P. by an Australian humorist.
● Wrote and recorded "The Wonderful Whirled of Beatlemania". First Australian Satire Album on overseas personalities. Does all impressions
● Second child Kay born.
● Recording in hell. Not released.
● Fire.


● Writer national television for the "Ray Taylor show, Jimmy Hannon"s IM.T., Noel Terrier's l.M.T. and writer of bits for Grahame Kennedy and "Mavis Bramston shows".
● Writes comedy album "Man's Best Triend" For Williams Lloyd. "Writes and records with his cast "An Aussie meets Shakespeare". «His "Dixieland Jazz Party album released, all his music compositions.
● Recorded one man T. V. show "The Day in Reverse". Didn't go to air. «His album "Strine" released. -Finds incredible family tree.
● Strip joint studio.



● Wrote and recorded Australia's first political satire album "Holt 007.Sort of banned. -Wrote "James Blond" also own cast. First satire on book series. Sort of banned.
● In trouble with the Government over song "Shell be Apples"
● Commissioned the write theme, w&m for T.V.s Series "Birds of Paradise".
● Clerk for "Births Deaths and Marriages"
● Started Australia's first Special Delivery service. Over successful.
● Commissioned to write 27 songs for the strange masked pop group "The Mystrys", forerunner to "Kiss".
● Songs "Witch Girl" and "Land of the Green Sun". originally recorded on Orbit, bought by Festival. Re released as a single and later on an L.P. ●"Witch Girl" entered parades before group breaks up because of crooked management.
● Started a Children's Theatre in St Kilda.- Writes theme for Musical play "Mystery of the Mill".


● Writes 31 National variety shows for A.B.V. 2. "Start Living".* Elected to the inaugural committee of the Australian Writers Guild.* Becomes copywriter for major store.
● Joins an Advertising agency.


● Wrote and starred in the album "How to B an Australian". -Wrote national T.V. series "Celebrity game" for G.T.V.9. 'Wrote humour column for newly vamped "Smith'sWeekly".
● Begins first Aboriginal flag.
● Joined the famous Lido Nightclub as P.R.
● French underground hero.


'First book released. "The Awful Australian". A.M. and Cannel 7 shows. 'Writes nightclub routines for T.V. stars. 'T.V. actor \ voice over on National series "Bellbird".
● Finds six tubes of oil and starts to paint. 'Designs first Aboriginal flag "The Corroboree". 'Crown logo on work.


● 'Did publicity, production and compered "The Shirley Bassey show". 'Did publicity for overseas acts such as Eartha Kitt, and productions such as "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs". (Incredible P.R. successes. Breaks media ban.) "Annie Get Your Gun". Glamour extravaganza "The Diamond Horseshoe", and "Oh! Calcutta!"
● "Manager of the production Moomba showboat, etc.
● 'Directed the "Dave Allenby show".
● R,C.A Re-released his comedy album "The Australian"'Became manager of David H. Mc Iwraith productions. 'Did his 200th. recording session directing the Australian Original Cast Album of "Oh! Calcutta!" for R.C.A. 'Does Public Relations and Management for "Us Ballets Africains".
● Toured the Boyd Family home. Compared even then favourably with Van Gogh.
● Directs and creates Australia's first Cable Television and Community T.V. Station. D.P.10.


● Introduces 20 new activities into Melbourne City Council's Recreation scheme. 'His "Summer Rain Ballet" performed at the Melbourne Town Hall.
● "'Hail Mary" composition performed internationally
● Creates first comedy festival
● Introduces controversial "Life Classes" to community centres. 'Designs Fitzroy Gardens Amphitheatre.
● Designs Flagstaff gardens amphitheatre. "Designs award statuette.
● Doubles community arts programme 'Appointed to the Melbourne Cup carnival committee.
● Secretary and stage manager appointed. 'Other art officers join the arts branch. 'Crawford becomes the first Superintendent of Arts for the City of Melbourne the highest arts position ever in local Government.'Successfully integrates social organisations and ethnic groups into community centres, activating praise in Federal Parliament. 'Art department 1st in local government. 'Programme now 65 productions, and 223 shows with an audience of 255,000 people. 'Nine more annual festivals added.
● State Government matches Council costs. Private enterprise joins them.
● An experience at being a clairvoyant. 'Revives St. Patrick day march. Protests.


● Has the Eureka flag flown for the first time at an official ceremony Designs flags for all festival?. -Coins the
word FEIP (Free Entertainment In Parks-) Creates logo.
● Develops arts totem in the Fitzroy Gardens.
● Develops Queen Victoria gardens into a sculptor area beginning with the "Pathfinder".and the "Phoenix" -Designs the giant mobile theatre and its caravan 'First performance of his "Aurora Australis" ballet performed.
● Finishes 300th painting.
● Organises the dance schools to form "The Association of Ballroom Arts". the first organisation of its type in the world.
● Appointed to the Victorian Arts Committee by the Premier.
● Creates the first free theatre season at the Princess theatre with six major productions he directed, three of which he had written the whole show. The other four he compered.
● Directed and wrote the first public - drawing of that - Melbourne Cup with dancers as "horses".

● Writes composes - and directs The official opening of the Carnival week at the Bowl Riding High
● Master minds "Miss Melbourne Cup".
● Creates the biggest free variety entertainment programme in the World, with 280 productions and spectaculars and an estimated audience of more than a million. - It included in excess of a 100,000 audience for Australia'** first "Teddy  Bears Picnic.
● 'Directs, and comperes' Trainer concert at Princess.


● Conceives, writes and directs the "First Australian History of Jazz" Produces and directs the entertainment for the Premiers major reception of the year. -Writes and directs the worlds first "Snow White Ballet" and Australia's first full length ballet which also broke numerous world and Australian other firsts.
● Crawford publicly praised by the Premier and the Lord Mayor of Melbourne.- takes over, creates and directs a new winter series of concerts through out the winter months. Previous years attendance increased 100%.
● First indoor production and new presentation of "The Snow White Ballet" performed. Thousands turned away. near riots. ● Appointed by the Premier to "La Trobe commemoration Committee" and "Statuary committee.
● Mailed as one of the top P.R. men in the country.
● Birth of Feipisms.
● Assassination threat.
● Other threats.
● Buys house.


● New production of the "Snow mite Ballet" is performed to capacity crowd at the "Sidney Myer Music bowl".
● As a performer joins clowns Zig and Zag as their villainous enemy Simon Mc Nasty in a series of children's Pantomimes.
● FEIP escalates "to seventeen and a half thousand artists. "Given a State reception by the Premier.
● Creates the "Dreamtime Ballet" with Doug Surman. Bwung Gul dance company tours America with it.


● Writes the story for the hour and a half productions of the "Pinocchio Ballet".
● His "Pygmalion Ballet" followed and then his "Ugly Duckling Ballet" became the grand final of dance week 'Appointed by the Premier to the first cultural exchange committee. (Bi Centennial Hawaii?)
● Covert another State reception by the Premier
● "Ugly Duckling Ballet Opens the United Nations celebration.
● FEIP is awarded the top gold tourism award as the States best produced entity over the last 3 years.
● Creates two new Jazz forms, "Talk a story jazz" and "Aboriginal jazz".
● Premiers close call with Snow White. Crucifixion Miracles.
● Stars in Pantomime, the ice show that never was.


● His "Snow While Ballet" has Music compared to the "Nutcracker" and "Peter and the Wolf".
● Incredible two week season at the Princess Theatre.
● Has large queues turn away business every performance. 'Meets the theatre ghost
● Appointed by the Premier to the "Norman Lindsay Centennial committee''
● T .eft bank of the Yarra opened by the Lord Mayor to be an Artists walk. Opening features an exhibition of Crawford paintings.
● Premier appoints him to the "Salute to Australia" committee. (Forerunner to the "Australia day committee.)Becomes chairman"
● Snow White Ballet" featured in Myers famous Xmas windows .
● "Norman Lindsay show co written with Doug Surman.
● Premier gives reception and praises him as "Genius" 'Requested to compere 2,000 piece brass band.
● His FEIP songs recorded and launched by the Lord Mayor.
● "Snow White Ballet" featured in Myers famous Christmas windows.
● Made sponsor for the United Nations.
● FEIP season features 25,000 artists.
● Streakers in the park "Auction slammed".


● Writes, comperes and directs the huge "Elvis Presley Story". 100,000 audience.
● One man show "Ockerscapes" exhibition. "Conceives and directs the first Aboriginal expo.
● Writes musical themes for the unveiling of the Batman and" Faulkner statues in Collins street.

● The first production of his musical "Lady in Blue" performed at the Sidney Myer Music Bowl. Said to be the worlds first Country music gospel opera. Rave reviews. 'Through popular demand commissioned to re activate Melbourne city with a programme called Downtown. Wildly successful.
● Invited by the New Zealand'' I Government to do a lecture tour of the country on community entertainments. Is based on the Royal tour Bears a request from the acting Premier of the Victorian State Government to afford him "Every courtesy and facility". Programmes start up all over New Zealand.
● Key speaker at the Royal Australian institute of Parks Gardens and Recreation at Hamilton, N.Z.
● FEIP season now includes 29,500 artists' Commissioned to repeat "Downtown.
● Topless ladies in Bourke Street.
● The Stripper.
● Is given State Gvernment credential for overseas travel.


● Writes words and music and directs the opening and closing of the World Bowls.
●Writes and directs five additional spectaculars for the occasion «At this time directs more shows than any other entrepreneur in Australian history - 147 production* in 60 days from 3rd December 79 to 3rd Jan 80. "Second production at the bowl of "Lady in Blue?".
● Becomes first Australian to receive, an award from the Country Music association of America.* His stage musical "Seven Dwarfs and a Princess" has its premier at the Bowl.
● Second production of his "Ugly Duckling Ballet" performed at the Bowl.
● Writes, narrates and directs his "Tim's Machine". with special music Conceives and directs the first History of music: 'Elected to do the entertainment for the opening of the then city square by the Queen.
● Does the fastest command performance ever.
● Appointed to the State Governments 150th Anniversary .entertainment committee. 'Appointed by the Premier to investigate the Entertainment industry.
● Guest of honour at me sixth State reception for the premiers arts programme.
● Appointed to the Royal Zoological gardens promotion committee. 'Wins "Robin Boyd environmental award,: - Again wins the Tri *annual gold award for totem.
● Appointed to the Nerve Deafness committee.
● Writes and produces the disastrous "World Mayor" in attendance.
● Again opens the Ballarat Begonia festival with the "Beatles Story" by popular demand.
● First to have produced over a hundred productions at Sidney Myer Music bowl.
● Is acknowledged the pioneer of the modern Australian record industry.
● Wins the prestigious "Royal institute of Parks Award". Delivers opening paper at their National seminar. Produces opening.
● Delivers paper at Brass band seminar.
● Has first one man exhibition of his paintings.
● Paints ladies stomach.-Averages 7 front pages per season.


● Writes with Doug Sur ran "The Australians" inspirational song for the Flag of Unity.
● 'Produces and directs "Robert Stigwood tribute show".
● "Australia the Opera". story words and music with Doug Surman hits the bowl stage. -New production of "Lady in Blue". performed.
● His "Story of the Beatles". performed to crowds in 6 figures.
● 'Tribute to John Lennon" main show at Ballarat Begonia festival while doing daily shows in Melbourne and supervising community centre activities.
● Co hosts State reception with the Premier. "Presley show again pulls 6 figure crowds. 'The Spike Milligan/Crawford scripts.* Involved in producing the World Highland Games.


● Writes, directs, comperes the "Sinatra Story" at Bowl.
● Writes new "Lady in Blue" production.".
● Opens Begonia festival with "Presley Story".
● Begins tenth winter programme.
● By popular musician vote comperes the "Glenn Miller story"season
● Produces and directs the opening ceremony at the World Hockey.
● Conceives, writes and produces the first Melbourne Day.
● Premier appoints him to the new "Australia day" committee.
● Acknowledged as creating the romantic period of Melbourne.
● Masterminds Victorian of the year.
● Writes and directs the "Jolson Story" at the Bowl.
● Minister in hot cheesecake.
● Ned Kelly gets lost.
● Flogging convicts.
● Celebrates 1,500 FEIP show.


● Is mentioned in the film "Jazz Scrapbook".
● Conceives writes and directs the first Victoria Day. Premier and Lord flags'
● Produces his 8th production at the Princess theatre.
● First one man exhibition of "Pointing's in Action" with his works of his Eureka series and each one enacted out at the Polly Woodside with a large cast.
● Staged huge production of "Eureka the Opera" at Ballarat as the main attraction for the Begonia festival. Incredible reviews. An approach is made to produce it at The Wembley Tattoo.
● Crawford stars in Dallas Brooks production season of the musical by Doug Trottman.
● Produces, directs, writes book and lyrics and with Doug Surman writes the music for the Rock musical "Robbery under Arms" Receives equivalent of 12 curtain calls.
● The writing team had broken all Australian theatre records for musicals having had three produced under 11 weeks from the 23rd April.
● 2,000th show and birthday cake nearly sets the Music bowl alight.
● Refuses a request. #The Ying Tong Choir.
● National minister for tourism writes congratulatory letter Ol" in his receipt of Tourlsm Awards. 


● Writes the music, book and lyrics with additional music Doug Surman for "Eureka the Opera". performed with a huge cast in the Fitzroy Gardens. Critics rave. ● "Snow White Ballet" Performed for the Grand Finale to the 25th. Anniversary celebrations of the Sidney Myer Music bowl.
● Becomes sponsor for the combined street poets.

● Finishes 26th, season (Winter and Spring combined) completing 338 festivals and including 200,000 artists.
● Stars in video film "Remembering Elvis".
● Featured in book "Country".
● Directs, writes and composes the States 150th Anniversary show for the State and Melbourne's birthday with Shire presidents and mayors all over the state in attendance as the guests of the Lord Mayor. 50 new songs. A capacity crowd.
● Asked to also produce and compere the finale for the 150th.
● Strange happenings with a Russian dance company.


● Writes, directs, and composes "Term of His Natural life". with Doug Surman. A Jazz opera. Premiers in the Fitzroy gardens with Ricky May.
● Conceives, directs and writes a Sonnet Lumier on "The Story of Australian History of Music" at the Myer Music bowl.
● Designs the "Helmet Flag". to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the hanging of Ned Kelly.
● First flag of its type in the world.
Melbourne Council requests Crawford compete the finale to Victoria's 150 Anniversary show at the Bowl.


● Writes story, words and also the music shared with Doug Surman the National extravaganza "Australia the Opera".
● Writes and directs 18 hours of production for the Papal visit at Flemington and the M.C.G.-Half a million audiences.
● Comperes a season of performances by overseas personalities at the Palais theatre, St. Kilda.
● Appointed to the bi-centennial Tall ships committee.
● One man successful exhibition of paintings "Roar of the Paint". *Does 200th show at the Melbourne Town Hall.
● Creates instant cavalcade.
● Hansons Party".Going for a Song'. Herald Sun".Colourful prelude to Pope's masses.'Herald.


● Writes and produces "Australia Sings".
● Abdicates from the position of Superintendent of Arts to paint full time surviving the administration of Three Premiers, Eight Lord Mayors, An administrator, Politicians and the arts mafia.
● Holds up the Premier and cabinet.
● National praise and coverage.
● Has entertained an estimated fifteen million people, live, in the FEIP programme alone, 27 annual festivals.
● Has fifth one man exhibition of paintings "History of Australia". opened by Sir Rupert Clarke.
● Easter hats and FEIP material requested to be held by the National Gallery.
● Also the National library collection.
● Writes and directs the "Tall Ships show".
● The Prime minister gets so excited he congratulates Crawford twice.
● "Snow Write Ballet" music released on tape.
● Writes "Cry for the Animals" song for rally.
Victorian performing arts centre become permanent Custodians of the remarkable FEIP Hats designed by Bob and his staff. Produces.
● Directs and competes over 500 testivalswith 37500 artists a year tor 16 years.


● 'Involved in Australia day and country productions and festivals. "Credited in the "World book of Comedy"
● Creates a spectacular for Australia's 200th Birthday of the Nation. A three hour production. A cast of 300 and 80 new songs with show titled "This is my Country".
● Commissioned to paint the title work for the Modern Media Museum.
● Comperes the Australian of the year presentation at the National Gallery (John Farrar.)
● Does Libretto, writes music with Doug Surman, research and story, co Comperes Directs and Produces the biggest musical ever attempted in Australia, 46 original songs, in the History of Australia".This is My Country". Produced in his part as a gift to the Nation.FIag of Unity designed during rehearsal of its birth Song "The Australians".11.30 26th Jan. 1988 on the famed sheet of music. Song now on Archival C.D.s as performed on that historic afternoon as the finale with a cast of 440.


● 'Illustrates, writes and researches the worlds longest ballad "Australia's Greatest Folk Hero" The Ned Kelly Story.
● Nearly thrown out of town 'Joins other artists in an exhibition called "The Group". at Ackland Street.
● Outsells everybody. 'Re writes "Australia Sings" for Australia Day.


● 'Produces Australia day productions. 'Princess Diana kicks his wife. 'Seventh One man exhibition "Tribute to Eureka" opened by Peter Lalor's great, great grand son.
● Typical review "Each colour is vibrant...Uses colour in an expressive manner...provocative...great energy.. heavily textured... intricate... jewel like colours". Herald Sun.
● "Vibrant tableaux...Innovator-ForcefuIness of Van Gogh...BoId chromatic colouring..perpetual motion...Like Van Gogh carried away by the idea of a cosmic universe..vigorous...kinetic...full of life". Tempo.


● Receives copyright for world rights for "his "Snow White Ballet" only one for Snow White outside of Disney.
● Produces new production of "Salute to Australia"

● Completes 700th painting.
● Culls collection.
● Continues work on 'Australia's Greatest folk Hero".


● Celebrates 10 years on the Australia Day committee.
● Produces Australia day celebrations.
● Paints, works on "Australia's Greatest Folk Hero"
● Involved in local community events.
● Turns his suburban garden into a Rain Forrest type paradise.
● Fire.
● Work "The Volcano" Stolen from gallery.


● Produces 5 stages for the Australia day fair.
● "Australia's Greatest Folk Hero" released. Compared favourably to Banjo Patterson and Henry Lawson. includes 200 illustrations and 353 eight line stanzas.
● Premier doesn't like rebels. Crawford fired from the "Australia day committee after ten and a half years.


● "Australia's Greatest folk hero " serialised in papers.
● Writes and paints.
● Story "Prancing Princesses" Praised but nobody game to publish it.
● To this point written and directed over 2,000 shows.
● Has had recorded over a 100 compositions.
● Has had performed 260 original works.
● Has had exhibited nearly 300 paintings.
● Created 37 Festivals. Mainly becoming annual events and advised on many others.
● Designed and written cover notes for 90 Albums.
● Designed 27 flags for different occasions.
● Designed 100s of sets and costumes.


● 'His Ned Kelly exhibition is opened and receives rave reviews.
● The international Asian Art News magazine said "Crawford was able to make this world of myth come to life in a way previously unknown in the history of Australian art. Like Nolan before him Robert "King" Crawford is a colourist of the highest order. passion to enjoy. These are lusty works".
● The Age stated "He has captured Kelly's short but game life in 50 vibrant thick oiled tableaux".
● "Protest lyrics to the French national anthem written by Crawford about the letting off of atomic bombs gets world exposure.


● 'Wrote magazine features. 'First cartoon published.
● Series followed. 'Satire column under nom de plume Gink Drofwarc' successful.
● 'New anthem type lyrics to "Waltzing Matilda" published in dailies.
● 'Writes book "Man the Earth Animal".
● 'New lyrics to "Waltzing Matilda " published.
● Delivers paper "Recreation on the move" Footscray Seminar.



● 'Finishes the third book in answer to "The Lord of the Rings" titled "Four sides of a Trilogy" (The Challenges).
● 'Diana the Princess of Wales declines to dance as Snow White in his "Snow White Ballet"
● Destroys hundreds of his paintings & puts them on nature strip. Next morning their all gone.
● Loses wife and soul partner to cancer.


● Man Of ManyArts Has Cecil B. Den ill complex.


● Managers take over paintings.
● Huge launch as a one man show titled "Three decades of Crawford". but don't get around to telling anyone outside of the guests at the opening and tieing up the artists works up for a bleak three years.
● A review stated "Whirling traces of Van Gogh in his flamboyant style... a riot of colour..inspirational...the biggest on line gallery of any artist living or dead".
Planet a Musical pioneer.
● Develops a new form of painting, Stream X.
● Launches a new national flag. A failure.
● 8th. One Man exhibition "Gold in Oil" opened by Professor Weston Bate.


● Designs his 200th effort for a new flag. Flag accepted in a march of reconciliation of 400,000 people with a 100 full sized flags used. It was then known as the flag of reconciliation. Barry Jones a big help.
● 'Billy Hyde's recording on Planet first of that label re released on CD.
● Crawford referred to as the father of Australian rock and roll.
● Mentioned in the book "Story of Rock n' roll,"
Rhythms Magazine. 2 pages. ' The King and I. (The amazing Bob King Crawford.)' Walkers ready to dance Herald Sun. "Flag with Hop, Skip, and a Jump".


● 9th. one man exhibition "Vibrations" Launched by the mayor of Bayside.
● "The following was one of the reviews. "Hail the King... A right royal show... Colourful. Striking images, full of movement... A range of themes matched only by his use of colour".
● A new independent bigger and better web site gets up of his paintings.
● A green stripe is is added to the flag and it is then known as "The Australian flag of Unity". Many big names come in behind it.
● His composition "Doxvn Under Blues" is re-released on a CD. double album titled "Buried Country'
● Another album "The Trailblazers Stage show" is also re released on CD.
● Bar b Qs and fire engines.
● "Sunny Flag Just Right". Herald Sun. Bob Flies Flag with Simple design. Herald Sun. "King Flags a change". Bayside Advertiser.


● As protest against corrupt Government the flag is now on the side of a republic and re-named "The Republican Flag Of Unity"
● Inducted into the American "Who's Who?" (Lexington.)
● Flag motif now on posters, badges, T shirts, caps, flyers, car stickers, tags, stickers and business cards.
● Book "60 flags of Australian History" finished.

● "The Story of Planet Records" considered for a film.
● Rewrites the "Yatmol".
Flying new flag for King and Country. Bayside Advertiser.


● English Shindig Magazine does arlee "Melbourne goes wild".
● Mystrys special. Prince of Wales replies to the Goon Show".


● Consultant "Victorian Republican Senate campaign Committee". Bayside Leader". Free to recieve".


● Art Exhibition. "Moments of Change". Tracing History with a love of Art". Bayside Leader". Critics choice" Herald Sun".
● Republicans convene in Bendigo". 1st time the flag of Unity recognised as the Republican flag. Bendigo Advertiser. "From King and Country"
● Herald Sun 5/20/2005. Brightspace Exhibition (General) Musso returns to fold.


● "Paintings worth more than the eye can see". Bayside Leader.


● Writes Children' The true Story of Santa Claus". published by Amazon E book.


● Herald Sun. "City funny bossiness".
● The race for Lord Mayor" The State Library of Victoria formaly inducts the "Fiag of Unity" "Mayoral race". Herald Sun Age.
● The Battle for Melbourne". Herald Sun".Vote1 ".The Age. "Lingo lesson returns". Bayside Leader.


● E Books". Hairy Potter and the Galloping. Mermaids. (A Tribute to the Goons)" Published by Amazon.


"A Bob King Crawford history" published by The Melbourne Observer.
● Writes with the National Library of Australia "55 Flags of Australian History".
● The first commercial recording WaS made of the "Australians "with a logo of the flag and recorded by Leslie Martin on Greg Lynch's Label with Doug Surmans great music with another Crawford words and music composiions. "People Power".
● History is made when Geoffrey Orr, the premier Sound Historian in Australia transfers over fifty of Crawford's works including singles and double albumsto the Sarchival collections of the Nation for posterity. (Compositions. Comedy,Sonet Lumiers, specials. Ballets, Operas, Indigenous works, Musicals,Pops,poetry, narations, ete. on single and double albums} to visualy exciting and colourful Extended playable abums each one elegantly and individually packaged with a comprehensive written History of each ones content, plus a similiar ammount of his productions as Producer for the Record Market.These works are available in the creative archival Sound Libraries of the National Trove Library Canberra, Melbourne State Library, Australian Jazz Museum. The performing arts museum, etc.


● Nominatd as Australian of the Year.The Flag of Unity inducted into the Melbourne Library colection.


● Rewrites and finishes " The Yatmol". The book of Sling shot Philosophies and the 1000 days.


● "When the King Ruled the Planet". Sunday Age


● Writes the Anti Pedophile book. "The Flower Stealers".


● Writes the Answer to Lord of the Rings "Four sides of a Trilogy".
● The date that the Mysterious painting was painted. A mysterious adjunct to the Crawford output to try to get away from the Van Gogh nickname it is said to have unlikely powers.


● Call for Unity" Front Page Bayside Leader.
● The Story of the first Aboriginal flag' in Crux Australis. Also The Flag of Unity. Crux Australis.


● Flag of unity presented to the 27th international congress of Vexillology (Flags) in London's imperial College to a full house.
● The paper titled "Flag for King and Country" delivered by Ralph Bartlett to major audience. Stars in T.V. documentary "History of Melbournes Rock Icons".
● Crawford becomes ninety.
● Does two unique.abstract paintings "The Unity Flag" and the 'Argument.


● Gearing Up for next Painting Exhibition. First copy of Autobiography finished.writes Childrens Book "The little flag that grew". Does series of Radio lntrerviews.

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