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"Most recorded Australian composer of the 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s." Geoffrey Orr of Lyric.

"He knows his music. "Ballarat Courier.

Robert 'King' Crawford has produced over 100 albums, over 100 cover designs (in excess of three figures).

The State sound archives contain over 50 C.D.'s of his compositions.

"A few sound triumphs including the design of the worlds first art cover for microgroove albums."




Over a period of some years Marcus Herman and Geoffrey Orr have compiled bits of Crawford some of which have ended up in the National Sound and Film archives and many more in the Victorian State Library sound archives for the auspices of Lyric records.

The following are some of the results.

The following in no particular order or importance are from top to bottom.

1. Some of my favourite compositions. This is a collection of Crawford compositions covering a range of genres.

2. The Australian. This was the first of the Australian 12 inch microgrooves in the comedy field. It was released on Talent City and later on R.C.A.

3. In the early days of modern Jazz in Melbourne,( 49s, 50s.) the hub of the followers was the Jump club. The band was the Alan Rhodes Jump men with front man and vocalist Bob King Crawford. These are tracks from their early 78s made to promote the band and Crawford's first Planet records.

4. Strilyan. Crawford was the most prolific humourist on record at this time and a string of albums became to be.

5. Football Party. These were songs from four albums written by Crawford in this vein and numerous E.P.s and singles. The worlds greatest avalanche of music for a form of sport. It was also the first 12 inch All Australian music album.

6. He sees. Made for R.C.A. this album of Crawford songs of inspiration and hope was constantly played in its entirety in a major form of radio at the time called the "Hospital hour."

7. Oh! Calcutta. This controversial musical closed before it opened but not before Crawford had produced the Original Cast for R.C.A.

8. The new sounds of Ray Cray. Most Planet recordings were produced in Melbourne but now and then the importance Crawford and Herman saw in an album would seem to be important enough to do interstate.

9. Musical menu, not sure why this Planet record is here unless to show how this company saved on the cost of models in this case Crawford and Marcus's sister.

10. Time for a Party. This run away best seller to quote Bert Newton. "At one time nearly every home in Australia had a copy." It was a fair example of how two minds came together, Marcus with his incredible ability to put more on an album than any other technition in the worls and Crawford's knowledge of what people want ability of design and knowledge of the record business. Marcus is under the lampshade.

11. Dixieland Jazz party. Crawford comps. 12. James Blond. A send up of the film series. Crawford cast.

12. And solo "I've never heard such rubbish.

13. Beeplemania. Does all four voices of the Beatle send up.

14. 15Anthem.

15. On Tour. Crawford talks the Air Force into flying a plane from Canberra so he could take a photo.

16. Story of Santa Claus. Writes Australia's first childrens album.

17. 22 Football marches. Crawford writes the fastest album in the world.

18. Writes comedy albums for Talent City and Rebel labels.

19. Crawford,s cast on Probe. Top comics of the period act out Australian first political satire album.

20. Planet best seller 1914 followed by And Everything stops. Includes Crawford composition this is my country played in some countries as our National anthem.

21. The Sonet Lumier. Crawford. Writes the first Sonet Lumiere on the Australian flag CD. Under Blues" jazz composition with a rave review.

23. Book.

24. Pinocchio Ballet... Writes with Doug Sherman.

25. The magical, musical, mystery tour of the land of OZ. Words and Music by Crawford.

26. Monolith of Brass. Huge Cnmlord production at the Sidney Myer Musk bowl.

27. Book.

28. Songs of Melbourne. Crawford Lyric album.

29. Two Shows. Austraia's first two musicals written for television. Words, music and story Crawford.

30. Lady in Blue. Crawford's answer to Jesus Christ Superstar. Words music story spectacular. Sidney Myer Music Bowl.

31. Scroofges screwy Xmas. Composit album of comedy and writings and performances.

32. Sentimental bloke. His original cast album production on Talent City.

33. The Australians.

34. Another Football album.

35. The Eureka Stockade. Huge spectacular, cast of hundreds. Live recording Ballarat. Story lyrics, libretto, music Crawford. Music/arrangements. Surman.

36. Hillbilly classics. Considered to be the first art design for vinil covers in the world 1953. Design Crawford.

37. Trailblazers. Planet. First album of Australian country music.

38. The Ugly Duckling Ballet. Story and music. Crawford.

39. All Rhodes lead to Dixieland. In Tribute to Alan.

40. The Story of Mr.Showbusiness. Worlds first visual sound album written by Crawford.

41. For Amusement only. All star original cast on Planet.

42. Massed band of the Olympic Games. The main attraction of the Games of 56 was the above and Planet managed to get it ahead of the worlds record co.

43. Term of my Natural Life. Original cast musical. Crawford and Surman.

44. Another Football album.

45. Tidley bits. A bit of this and a bit of that in Crawford/Surman performance.

46. Blues.Down under. Considered one of the most important Australian albums of all time. The Crest title track which Marcus invited his mate Crawford to write is considered the great Oz Aboriginal blues song. His other track "Yarra river blues" is the rivers anthem he wrote and used to sing on the Yarra river boats.

47. Crawford's Melbourne Jazz scene 80s.

48. Robbery Under Arms. Original cast of the Crawford/Surman musical.

49. The first memorial Elvis concert. Super Crawford spectacular.

50. Seven Dwarfs and a Princess. Original cast of the Crawford Musical.

51. Sinatra Story. Crawford super spectacular.

52. Extracts from Crawford's Melbourne Jazz Festival.

53. Crawford's Pygmalion Ballet.

54. Lady in Blue one of 5 productions.

55. Crawford voice history as recorded by the National sound and film archives.

56. Crawford presents The 150th anniversary celebration of the City of Melbourne.

57. Glamour week.

58. Pygmalion ballet. Production 2.

59. Crawford's Snow Whte Ballet. First production of an all OZ full length ballet.

60. Crawford and Sherma's dreamtime ballet.

61. Beatles spectacular.

62. A night at the Catarina. Catarine was one of the haunts of Crawford the singer.

63. Eureka Stockade production Melbourne.

64. This is my Country.

65. The climax so far of the Surman Crawford career. A cast of hundreds. The history of their country in words and music, 3 wars, 80 new songs celebrating Australias 200 the birthday.

66. Crawford comp. used for world peace organizations. Mystery hit.

67. Early Crawford.

68. War of the Worlds. Narration Crawford.

69. Meet Mr. Genius. Australia's first words and music album by an Australian composer.

70. Jazz days.

71. Snow White Ballet Town Hall Version. Various additional productions including Crawford's words, Music and story Anniversary of his states show and the best selling comedy album "How to speak Australian."

Note this is only some of the material available.


SOUVENIR Welcome to Australian history


On this day Sunday 4th August 2013 we welcome you to celebrate the possible new Anthem 

Sung by Leslie Martin, written by Bob King Crawford & Doug Surman.


`The Australians' (Your song) 

The mighty mountains reach the skies, the rivers fill the sea. 

This is my country, where I want to be,

A cross of stars fill up the sky, in our flag they shine,

I'm here to tell you all, that this land is mine.


Forward together, one nation one land,

Forward to our history and the world must understand

Australia is our nation, our flag of light unfurled,

For greatness is our destiny and we will lead the world...

Eucalyptus scents the air, endeavour fills our soul.

Greatness is our destiny, greatness is our goal

In every field our people shine, endeavors `neath the sun,

I'm here to tell you all, we have just begun.


Tag: We will lead the world.